H C T V - November 2010
H C T V - September & October 2010
H C T V - June 2010
More than half of our patients (mainly kids) were having flu like symptoms and some adults were also down with diarhhea, which seems to be a common occurrence in the village. Skin problems among the kids is also quite rampant and we were shocked when informed that there's a village further in, where the entire community suffers from skin problems (this has apparently been going on for some time now). Arrangements are now being made for us to go in and assess the situation.
We are grateful to the Penang Office for Human Development (POHD), the Holy Family Intercessory Group (Canada), New Manna and our family and friends for their prayers and support.
H C T V - May 2010
Other than a boy with a broken nose, there were no major problems although there were many who were down with the flu. Kids were generally fine and were happier up on a tree instead of being examined by the health team.
We are grateful to the Penang Office for Human Development (POHD),
the Holy Family Intercessory Group (Canada), and our
family and friends for their prayers and support.
H C T V - April 2010
From 15 families, we now have an average of 40 families to attend
While the villagers are generally looking much better, we still have a few cases with bad skin conditions.
Apart from advising them on hygiene and basic health education, we are also
The cost of materials have gone up even more over the past few months, and the longer we wait the higher it goes. For more information on this project, please visit our sister site C W TV - Clean Water To Villagers.
You can make a difference!
H C T V - March 2010

We apologise for the delay in update. March was a very busy month for us as we were also out to promote handicrafts by the OA and also a little booklet on our ministry. We came up with a booklet called “Love Your Neighbour – Insights from the Village”, which is aimed at raising awareness and also fund raising for the ministry. The book is a light & easy read with many pictures from the village and Scriptures to reflect on.
If you'd like to obtain copies and help raise funds to provide clean drinking water to the villagers, please email us health.care.to.villagers@gmail.com
Our trip to the village this month was on the 2nd week as it marked the end of the mourning period for Irfan (the 3 year old who passed away in January), and the villagers wanted us present for the celebration. Travelling on a Saturday and returning the next day gave us more time with the villagers, but it also meant that we had to drive very carefully as there were many times when we had to make way for timber lorries much bigger than our vehicle.
The villagers were generally more cheerful this time as they had officially marked the end of their mourning period. Due to the extreme heat and lack of clean water, many were having flu like symptoms. Other than that, there were thankfully no serious cases.
Our next trip will be on the 3rd week of April instead of the 1st because Easter Sunday is on the 1st week of April.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
H C T V - February 2010
Seeing little children with sores just added to our frustration of still not being able to have clean water supplied to homes.
Our sister project "C W T V - Clean Water To Villagers" is far from complete.
Goodbye Irfan....till we meet again...
Our 2nd trip for the year was a very sad one as we had to bid farewell to our dear Irfan, who passed away suddenly on 20th Jan 2010. It was very painful especially for his parents, grandparents and those close to him, to have to say goodbye. Nevertheless, we thank God for the gift of Irfan and the three years we had him with us. We are grateful for the memories and the faith that he is now in heaven, free from pain and sickness. For all of you who have shown your concern for Irfan and his family, we thank you for your support.
We did not take any photos of the funeral as we would rather remember him as he lived. The memorial for Irfan will be on the 13th March 2010 and that will be the end of the mourning period for the village. Thank you for your prayers and support.
1st trip for 2010!
We made our 1st trip this year on 3rd January, and although we had less of the team with us this time, it was a good trip.
Villagers who were fortunate enough to visit Penang last month actually put on weight (about 2-4 kilos each), but lost it over the last 2 weeks, and are back to their usual weight. Generally, they are looking much better and cleaner now, and thankfully no serious cases this time.
Here are some pictures from this trip:
For our next trip, we plan to de-worm the kids apart from the usual health checks & supply of vitamins. We noticed that many children are still walking around bare footed because they have no shoes or slippers. Just educating them on the need for cleanliness without providing them with footwear is of no use. We urgently need about 50 pairs of slippers of assorted sizes for kids aged 2-13 years.
Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach - Clarissa Pinkola Estes