H C T V - March 2011

Our trip in March was very exciting and we would like to thank all those who have been a part of this project, it's your prayers and support in cash & kind that make it possible for us to do what we do.

On our journey into the jungle, we had the very rare opportunity of seeing a herd of wild buffaloes - looking at the picture, it's as if they too were quite amused to see us...:)

The villagers were generally in good health, and we had 2 new babies registered with us on this trip.
Although we are not able to mention and thank each of you personally here, we are very grateful for the contribution of rice, breastmilk, milk and also contributions in cash that allowed us to get additional things needed for the trip. Thank you & God bless you!

H C T V - February 2011

Due to the Chinese New Year celebrations we were unable to hold our usual clinic, but we still made a trip and distributed food rations while spending some time talking to the villagers.

It was quite a relaxed trip as we got to spend time catching up on the happenings in the village. The level of deforestation is quite worrying and with an increasing number of timber lorries going in, the roads are quite bad although manageable with a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Landslides and strong winds are now a regular affair there, although it was very rare few years ago. While they are concerned about their safety and livelihood, there's nothing much that can be done for now.

In your kindness, please keep them in prayer so they will soon be able to enjoy what they truly deserve. Although they do not have a voice, they have their rights. Thank you.