H C T V goes live!

Thanks to your generous support, we were able to launch H C T V as planned - on 09 aug 09, which was World Day for Indigeneous Peoples. While some of you have never seen the Orang Asli or the conditions they live in, you can be rest assured that your contributions are going right into the jungle - straight to the OAs. Through this website, we hope to keep you up to date with the project so you can keep track of our progress.

We are very happy to note that we received all the medical supplies we needed for this trip, just in time...and some left over for the next month (the only thing we need more of now ,is multivitamins for kids). Apart from medical supplies, we got some breastmilk & also infant formula for the kids. We were also blessed with donations of bottled mineral water (for dispensing ORS) and soap for all the families.

Your support is a testimony of Gods presence in our lives. Because of your generosity, we know He is alive and working in our ministry. We are grateful to the individual donors , G-Hotel & Wellings for their generous contributions...may God bless you all abundantly! We thank the prayer warriors in Malaysia & the Holy Family Intercessory Prayer Group in Toronto, Canada who have been praying for the success of this mission. Of course, all this would not be possible without the "green light" of our Father in heaven - to Him be all glory & honour!

For details on how else you can support this project, please email: health.care.to.villagers@gmail.com