1st trip for 2010!

Happy New Year from H C T V!

We made our 1st trip this year on 3rd January, and although we had less of the team with us this time, it was a good trip.

Villagers who were fortunate enough to visit Penang last month actually put on weight (about 2-4 kilos each), but lost it over the last 2 weeks, and are back to their usual weight. Generally, they are looking much better and cleaner now, and thankfully no serious cases this time.

Here are some pictures from this trip:

For our next trip, we plan to de-worm the kids apart from the usual health checks & supply of vitamins. We noticed that many children are still walking around bare footed because they have no shoes or slippers. Just educating them on the need for cleanliness without providing them with footwear is of no use. We urgently need about 50 pairs of slippers of assorted sizes for kids aged 2-13 years.

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach - Clarissa Pinkola Estes